What is Reiki & how it can help you
My personal journey with Reiki began in my late 20’s, I had a mental breakdown, was severely depressed, didn’t know where to turn to and was desperate to feel alive again. A dear friend suggested I try Reiki, which I had never heard of before, however I was drawn to give it a try. I remember walking out of my session feeling an energy within me that hadn’t been alive for a long time. There were still rough days ahead but I had a new found belief in myself and my energy felt so recharged! I could feel that my body had let go of anything that had been holding me back and I felt so light and free! For the first time in a long time I felt hopeful about my life!
It was almost eight years later that I turned to Reiki again, this time it was after my first miscarriage. I was in a very dark place and my depression had returned. I had been seeing a psychologist and was doing my best to stay positive about the future but I felt so alone in my thoughts. I felt dark inside and felt like I had no drive to get life feeling great again. After this particular Reiki session I was drawn to learn more about Reiki as it had now helped me through two very difficult times in my life. Soon after I became a Reiki Practitioner and then went on to do my Reiki Masters as well, (which is the highest level of Reiki training and qualifies me to teach Reiki which I know my soul is destined to do one day). I know it sounds corny but as I was learning the first level of Reiki I knew I had found something that would be a huge part of my life!
So what is Reiki? Reiki is a healing modality that allows the Reiki practitioner to connect with the energy of the client with the intention of reconnecting the body to its own ability to self heal. Reiki allows the body to release and heal on so many levels, moving energy that is not in support of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. During a Reiki session the heavy energy or what is often referred to as ‘blockages’ are cleared from the body leaving the energy centres feeling refreshed and fully recharged! As I connect to the energy of my clients I can feel the areas of the body which are holding onto energy that aren’t serving or supporting them and I also receive guidance from these areas for the client. These areas that are holding onto energy or where there are ‘blockages’ will most likely be related to the area of the body they are in or the chakra that they are closest too. For example energy that feels heavy or blocked near the heart can relate to emotional pain that the client has not been able to move on from and that is still causing them challenges in their life.
When your energy is flowing freely and isn’t affected by energy blockages your body is better able to deal with any physical or emotional challenges that come your way. Think of Reiki like giving your body and energy a tune up, just like you would with a car!
Healing is often misunderstood as meaning that you have something that needs to be fixed, or that you have a problem that needs to be solved when rather healing is about allowing the body to function at its best! Healing is a coming together of all of the bodies, the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies, allowing space for the body to reconnect and feel whole on all levels.
Over the years I have seen many clients and one common thread links them all, they all want to feel fully alive and heal from whatever is holding them back from doing so! Some of the areas I have helped my clients with include feeling stuck or confused about life, wanting to reach life long dreams, being able to connect with their spiritual side and natural gifts, healing from trauma, learning to love and believe in themselves, trusting and reconnecting to their inner knowing, helping them to feel alive and worthwhile, reconnecting to their inner power and magic, to fully step into the life they know they are meant for, as well as with emotional concerns such as anxiety and depression and to allow the body to release stress and tension.
Creating a life you love is more than just doing the 'work' involved to make it happen! This 'work' also involves understanding yourself of a deep level, knowing if there are any areas of the body that are resisting change or holding onto something from the past that isn't supporting you to live the life you are meant for right now! Reiki helps us to reconnect with our body in this deep and magical way!
Reiki is amazing and helpful with so many life areas and concerns however it is also just as amazing as a beautiful way to give back to yourself and to provide nourishment to the mind, body, heart and soul!
Explaining Reiki and how it works or feels can be challenging and I believe that you can’t fully understand or appreciate Reiki until you experience it! If I could use any words to describe Reiki it would be…life changing! My one on one sessions include Reiki as well as intuitive coaching and guidance and are focused on you being able to live an empowering, intentional, conscious life that feels aligned and that feels great to you!